วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Chapter 4 A Trip to old Egypt

Alex was on a train in the middle of the Egypt desert with Lock-Nah,Meela, and Imhotep.
“Do you have the Book of the Dead?” Lock-Nah asked Meela .
Alex listened carefully, He knew about this important book from his mother.
“Yes” answered Meela. “It will help Imhotep”.
A soldier came into the car. “Imhotep want to meet the boy”
Lock-Nah pushed Alex to the other end of the train and into Imhotep’s car.
At the same time, the door of Meela’s car opened and Red, Jacques, and Spivey pushed inside. Red carried another interesting old box. It was from the most important museum in Cairo.
“We got your box for you. Here we want ten thousand pounds for it, not five. We know about the thing inside it” said Red.
“Yes” said Meela. “Imhotep’s heart is inside the box. But, he also has to have another person’s life. Then, he can live again.”
“That means more money for us,” Jacques said.
“Ten thousand pounds is not a problem,” said Meela. “Come with me to Imhotep’s car. He will pay you.”
At the other end of the train, Alex looked around the dark car and saw the back of a tall man. But when the man turned around, Alex saw a face with no eyes in it. It was the face of Imhotep, the undead. He felt afraid.
“You have the bracelet,” Imhotep began. “You” can take me to Ahm Shere.”
“But I don’t want to help you!” Alex said.
“You are your father’s son, I see,” said the mummy. “But you have very little time. The Scorpion King is going to wake up seven days after you put the bracelet on.”
“I know about that.”
“You have to be inside the pyramid at Ahm Shere before the sun shines on it on the seventh day.”
“Or, what?” asked Alex.
“Or, you will die. The bracelet will pull your life out of you.”
“Nobody told me about that!” cried Alex. He thought for a minute and said, “I only have five more days!”
“Very good. Now you understand, and now you will take us to Ahm Shere. Quickly!”
“My dad is going to get you. Wait and see!” shouted Alex.
Suddenly, Lock-Nah heard Meela with Red, Jacques, and Spivey. He left the car with Alex through the back door, and Meela came in with the three men and the box.
“It’s dark in here,” said Red. “Isn’t three a light?”
Imhotep turned on a light, and the three men saw the mummy. They tried to leave, but Meela stopped them.
“Open the box for the great Imhotep,” said Meela.
“No!” shouted Jacques.
But Spivey put the box in front of the mummy and opened it. White smoke came out of the box. Nobody could see Spivey and Imhotep in the smoke, but they heard strange noises. Imhotep’s mummy had its heart back, and it pulled Spivey’s life out of him. When Imhotep walked out of the smoke, he was not a mummy. He was Imhotep the Great, a beautiful, strong man with new life inside him. Spivey was on the floor thin and white and very dead.

Rick, Evelyn,and Jonathan were back in Egypt, too They were in Cairo. They had to find Alex.
“When Alex put the bracelet on, he saw the pyramids at Giza and then the temple at Karnak,” said Rick.
“At Karnak, the bracelet will show him the next place. In The end, it will take him to Ahm Shere,” Evelyn said. “But we have to follow him. There’s no map to Ahm Shere,”
“First, how can we get to Karnak ?” asked Jonathan.
“No problem,” said Rick. “I know somebody near here. He has an airplane.”
In the desert near Cairo, Rick found his old friend, Izzy, in his office. The little man’s smile left his face when he saw Rick.
“You!” shouted Izzy. “What do you want? You’ll get nothing from me. You always bring problem.”
“Izzy, we’re friend. We have to have an airplane. It’s important.”
“When I do a job with you, I almost die. Every time! The trip to Alexandria, the bank job, the night with the dancers. You’re dangerous!” said Izzy.
“Bank job? Dancers?” Evelyn said. “Rick, we have to talk!”
“Later, Evy, We don’t have time for old stories. Izzy, we have to find our son. He’s out in the desert. We’re going to Ahm Shere. We’ll pay you with gold from the great pyramid of Anubis.”
“Now you’re talking my language. I’ll get ready.”
But suddenly, they heard the sound of horses. Ardeth Bay and twelve more Med-Jai stopped in front of the building.
“O’Connell!” shouted Ardeth Bay. “These are my best men. They will follow you and fight the mummy and the soldiers of Anubis. You will not always see them, but they will be near you.”
The twelve men went away across the desert, and Ardenth Bay stayed with the O’Connells.
“Thank, my friend,” said Rick. “Let’s go. We can’t lose more time. Izzy, where’s your airplane?”
“No airplane, Rick. I have a beautiful new machine. Look, it’s behind this building.”
“Izzy! It’s a balloon!”
“Yes, Rick, but it can take you to Ahm Shere. Are you ready?”
The balloon moved above the desert, and Rick talked quietly to Ardeth Bay.

He was Imhotep the Great, a beautiful, strong man with new life inside him.

“What do you know about the gold pyramid at Ahm Shere?”
“People find the pyramid, and then they never reture to their homes. They die at Ahm Shere. But remember two things. First, Lock-Nahn and meela cannot hurt your son because he is wearing the bracelet. And, second, you have the tattoo.”
“Is that really important?”
“When you understand your job as a Masonic Templar, you will have great powers.”
“Great. But is Imhotep dangerous now?”
“His powers are returning quickly. He will be stronger than the Scorpion King in one or two days.”
At the same time, Alex sat on the train with Lock-Nah. He was hot and bored.
“Can I go to the bathroom?” he asked.
Lock-Nah pushed Alex into the dirty bathroom. He stood outside and
guarded the door. Alex looked around and saw a little window. He didn’t think. He climbed through the window and jumped off the train. When he stood up, everything hurt. But he could see the Temple of Karnak, and he ran to it.
Behind him, Alex heard the train stop. Men shouted and ran after him. The boy arrived at the temple and ran inside. With the bracelet, Alex could see the Temple of Philae in the desert in 2000 BC. But he returned to 1933 when Imhotep – now a man, not a mummy stood in front of him with Lock-Nah and Meela.
“You are a very bad boy,” said Imhotep. “I will watch you die at Ahm Shere. I will enjoy that. Lock-Nah, take him outside.”
Imhotep and Meela had some important work. The two lovers sat near a pool of water in the middle of the temple. They looked into the pool and saw a picture of their life in 1290 BC.

Two beautiful young women fought, and two important men watched them.
At the end of the fight, the winner said, “Nefertiri, you are stronger this time. Maybe one day, you will win.” Nefertiri’s face was the face of Evelyn O’Connell.

The two lovers sat near a pool of water in the middle of the temple.

“Thank you, Anck-su-namun. You can teach me many things when you are my mother,” said Nefertiri. She was the Pharaoh’s* daughter, and Anck-su-namun was his future wife.
“Wonderful! Wonderful!” cried the Pharaoh. “Two strong, beautiful women! My daughter can guard the bracelet of Anubis for me, and my future wife can guard me.”
He smiled at the women, but Anck-su-namun did not smile at the Pharaoh. Her smiles were for Imhotep, her future husband’s friend and King of the Dead. Nefertiri saw this and hated Anck-su-namun and Imhotep.
Many days later, Imhotep was in the Pharaoh’s bedroom with Anck-su-namun. The Pharaoh found them, and they killed him. Nefertiri heard noise and called for help. But her father was dead.
“Run!” shouted Imhotep to Anck-su-namun.
“No,” said Anck-su-namun. “I will die, and later you can bring me back to life.”
She took the Pharaoh’s knife and pushed it into her heart. Imhotep saw her die.
In the temple at Karnak, Meela opened her eyes. She was not Meela. She was Anck-su-namun again.
“Anck-su-namun,” said Imhotep, “there is no end to our love. Now we can do anything.”
Another person watched the same picture in the pool. Evelyn O’Connell was in the balloon, but she too could see the fight between Nefertiri and Anck-su-namun died. She was afraid and told the story to Rick and Ardeth Bay.
“Rick, I was Nefertiri, the daughter of Pharaoh Seti the First. I was a great fighter, and I guarded the bracelet of Anubis.”
“And now our son is wearing it!”

“Ank-su namun,” said Imhotep, “There is no end to our love.”

Ardeth Bay, looked at Rick. “You are a soldier for God. You will help many people. You will love and guard Nefertiri and her son .That is your life.
At the same time, Alex sat on the floor of the Temple of Karnak. He couldn’t move because Lock-Nah guarded him.
“Please, can I have some water?” Alex asked nicely.
Lock-Nah gave a cup of water to the boy. Then he turned his back and fell asleep.
When Lock-Nah was quiet, Alex built a little temple on the floor. Later that day, he left Karnak with Lock-Nah, Anck-su-namun, and Imhotep. But his little temple of Philae stayed there.
Two hours later, the O’Connell, Jonathan, and Ardeth Bay arrived at the temple of Karnak.
“They aren’t here,” said Jonathan sadly.
Suddenly Evelyn shouted, “Rick! Come and see this! It’s the temple of Philae! Alex is giving us our map. Let’s go”
They returned to the balloon and followed Alex from Karnak to Philae and then to the temple of Abu Simbel. They followed the Nile River into the center of old Egypt.
“How can we find one small boy in this big country?” asked Evelyn.
“He’ll leave us another building,” said Rick.

