วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Simple sentences, Compound Sentences, Complex Sentences

Simple sentences
1. They found the mummy of Imhotep in Hamunaptra.
[S : They] [V : found]
2. Evelyn moved into the next dark room.
[S : Evelyn] [V : moved]
3. Lock-Nah told us about them.
[S : Lock-Nah] [V : told]
4. We’ll kill them and take it.
[S : We] [V : kill]
5. I know the story of the Scorpion King.
[S : I] [V : know]

Compound Sentences
1. The Scorpion King shouts loudly to the sky, but nobody answers him.
2. They are the soldiers of Anubis, and now they are going to fight for him
3. Rick didn’t like this idea, but he wanted to help his wife.
4. But they are dead, or asleep.
5. He called for his father, but nobody answered.

Complex Sentences
1. I got it when I as a child in Hong Kong.
2. The balloon that can take you to Ahm Shere.
3. But before they could go through the door, Anck-su-namun arrived at the pyramid.
4. The scorpion King carries his knife in one hand. It feels heavy because he is very tired.
5. The scorpion King who can help him?

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