วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552

Chapter 5 Ahm Shere

But Alex couldn’t help his parents again. He started to make another temple at Abu Simbel, but Imhotep saw it.
“You’re a smart boy!” said Imhotep, and then he kicked the temple. “No more buildings! This time, I will give something to your parents.”
Imhotep looked into the river and spoke in Egyptian language. Suddenly, a lage wall of water came out of the river.
Izzy drove his balloon above the Nile, between two tall mountains. He heard the sun shone. Then he saw the wall of water.
“Everybody! Help!”
They saw the water, and Imhotep’s face was in the middle of it.
“Shoot it!” Izzy cried.
“That won’t help,” said Rick. “I know this mummy. Turn!”
Izzy turned the balloon right, between two small mountains. The wall of water couldn’t turn. It pushed down the middle of the Nile.
After the water went past them, Jonathan said, “People! Look around you!

They were in a wonderful place with green trees and blue waters. There were fruit trees and flowers everywhere.
“Ahm Shere,” said Ardeth Bay very quietly.

Izzy turned the balloon right, between two small mountains.

“It is!” said Rick. “I can see the top of the gold pyramid behide those trees.”
But suddenly, they heard the sound of the wall of water again. Before they could move, the water threw the balloon into a mountain. Then it moved away. The five wet people on the ground were tried, but they weren’t dead.
“Izzy,” said Rick, “we’re going to find Alex. Get this balloon ready. We’ll have to quickly after we get him.”
“But Rick…”
“No ‘buts.’ This balloon as to fly again!”
“Let’s go!” shouted Ardeth Bay.
The O’Connells and Jonathan followed the Med-Jai to a place above the gold pyramid. They watched and waited foe Alex.
Imhotep, Lock-Nah, and Anck-su-namun found Ahm Shere that night. The bracelet on Alex’s arm showed them and their soldiers the way. Near the pyramid, they saw dead soldiers from again. It was place for the dead.
Suddenly, they found an open place in the trees, and they saw the gold pyramid in the evening light.
“Great Imhotep,” said Lock-Nah, “can I kill the boy now?”
“I don’t want him. He’s yours,” Imhotep answered.
Alex heard these words and started to walk quietly away. Lock-Nah has his plans for the boy and began to follow him. Then he heard a strange sound in the trees. He stopped.
“Listen,” Lock-Nah said. “Is it the dead? Are they singing?
“Something is coming,” Anck-su-namun said.
“Get your guns ready,” Lock-Nah shouted at the soldiers.
Suddenly, a man cried, “Help me!”
Nobody could see him. Lock-Nah heard another cry and turned quickly. Something pulled another soldier under the ground. Then everything was quiet but only for a minute.
A lot of very shot mummies came out of the ground. They fought with the soldiers in red hats. They wanted to get the Book of the Dead from Anck-su-namun, but she and Imhotep ran through the trees.
The little mummies were a problem, but Lock-Nah forgot about them. He wanted to kill Alex. He looked in to the boy’s eyes, but Rick O’Connell juped in to the battle.
“Alek!” Rick shouted. “This way!”
Rick shot at the soldiers and at the mummies, but Lock-Nah had Alex. Then Rick had some help. Ardeth bay arrived and fought with Lock-Nah. Rick put Alex on his back and ran.
Ardeth Bay cut Lock-Nah in half. Lock-Nah fell to the ground and didn’t move again.
Ardeth Bay ran after Rick and Alex. They found Evelyn and jonathan, and Alex jumped into his mother’s arms. Everybody was happy for a minute.

Lock-Nah wanted to kill Alex.

“Dad, you have to help me!” said Alex. “I have to be inside the pyramid today before the sun shines on it.”
“Or,what will happen?” asked Rick.
“Or,I will die.”
“Let’go! The sky is getting light. We don’t have much time!” Rick shouted.
The five people ran through the trees to the pyramid. The short mummies ran after them. Then, they saw the Bracelet of Anubis on Alex’s arm and they stopped. The strange little mummies went away,and it as quiet again.
“Rick, look!” shouted Evelyn. “There’s light behind those mountains. The sun is coming up. Quick! Run to the pyramid.” Rick took Alex’s hand and ran as quickly as possible. Their battle was now with the sun. The sunlight was a meter behind them. Rick and Alex sat on the floor and smiled.
“You know, son,” Rick said, “life with you isn’t always easy.”
“Yes, but you like it!” said the boy.
At that minute, the Bracelet of Anubis fell off Alex’s arm. Rick threw it away. He never wanted to see it again.
Jonathan and Evelyn arrived at the pyramid. Evelyn looked around for her son and husband. Jonathan looked at the gold. But before they could go through the door, Anck-su-namun arrived at the pyramid. She came near Evelyn,and looked into her eyes. But she didn’t see Evelyn- she saw Nefertiri. Anck-su-namun pushed her knife into the pyramid through a different door with Imhotep. They carried the Book of the Dead with them.
Rick and Alex found Evelyn on the ground.
“Dad, is she OK? Is she dead?”
Evelyn opened her eyes. She wanted to say something.
“Evy, don’t talk you’ll be OK,” Rick told his wife.
She opened her mouth and said, “Love…….you.”
Then, Evelyn O’Connell died.
Imhotep and Anck-su namun were now in the center of the pyramid. They saw a large gold square on the floor, with the face of Anubis on it. Imhotep walked to the floor, with the face of Anubis on it.

Imhotep walked to the square and stood on the face. Suddenly, the floor began to move, and a loud noise came from under the square. White smoke came out of Imhotep’s mouth and ears. Anubis took away Imhotep’s powers.
Imhotep slowly turned his head. He looked at Anck-su-namun with sad eyes.
“I am only a weak man now-not a god. I have to fight the Scorpion King without my powers,” Imhotep said quietly.
“No, you can’t,” cried Anck-su-namun. “He will kill you.”
“You have the ‘Book of the Dead. You can bring me back to life.”
A strange light came out of the floor and moved through the pyramid. The light woke up the Scorpion King and the soldiers of Anubis. Then it flew out of the pyramid and across the desert. Ardeth Bay and the Med-Jai soldiers saw this light and understood. It was the time for their greatest battle.
“Don’t go! Please!” cried Anck-su-namun to Imhotep.
But Imhotep smiled at his lover and left her. He walked through the pramid. He wanted to find his future, but he found somebody from his earlier life. He found Rick O’Connell. Rick ran at Imhotep, and the two men began to fight.
Alex and Jonathan waited outside the pyramid next to Evelyn. Alex cried and cried. Jonathan watched. How could he help the boy? What could he say to him?
“Your mother’s in a better place,” he began, “The good book teaches us.”
Alex stopped crying.
“The good book!* That’s it!” he shouted. He jumped up and ran into the pyramid. Jonathan followed quickly.

* The good book: another name for the Bible.
They found Anck-su-namun inside the door.
“You killed my mother!” shouted Alex.
“And my baby sister!” said Jonathan. He cut Anck-su-namun’s arm with his knife, and the Book of the Dead fell to the graund. The young woman was very strong, but Jonathan was angry. He fought well.
Alex quietly took the Book of the Dead and went outside with it. He stood above his mother and began to read the words it the language of old Egypt. It was very difficult and he read slowly.
“Faster!” shouted Jonathan. “I can’t stop this woman. She’s going to kill me!”
Alex read the last word on the page. Anck-su-namum’s knife was near Jonathan’s heart when, suddenly, Evelyn O’Connell was on her feet.
“Jonathan, go and help Rick. This is my fight!”
The two women began their battle: Evelyn and Meela; Nefertiri nad Anck-su-namun.
Evelyn remembered her fight with Anck-su-namun 3,000 years earlier. She did not want to lose again. The two women kicked and hit. Anck-su-namun fell to the ground. Evelyn was the winner, but she couldn’t put a knife through Anck-su-namun’s heart. She couldn’t kill another person in that way.
Alex and Jonathan found Rick in a room with Imhotep. It was a difficult fight. They suddenly stopped when the door opened with a loud noise. The scorpion King walked in! He had the head and arms of a man, but the legs of a scorpion. He looked at Rick and Imhotep with hate in his eyes.
At the same time, Ardeth Bay and 10,000 Med-jai fought the soldiers of Anubis. The Med-Jai killed the 2,000 dog-face fighters. But it was not the end. Next, 50,000 more difficult battle began, but the Med-Jai were strong and ready. They had to win this battle for their people and for the world.
Inside the pyramid, Imhotep did not fight with the Scorpion King. He fell on the floor and cried, “Please, do not hurt me. I will follow you from this day. You are my king.”
The Scorpion King stopped and smiled at Imhotep. Then he turned and looked at Rick. Rick waited for him. The half-man, half-animal threw Rick across the room. His back hit a wall. Rick could see fire when he opened his eyes. But he also saw a picture on the wall and a very large, gold knife next to it. The picture showed a pyramid with the Eye of Horus at the center it was Rick’s tattoo! The Scorpion King hit him again, but Rick watched the picture.
“I am a stranger from the East. You are looking for me!” Rick shouted. Suddenly, the large gold knife was in his hand.

It was a difficult fight.

But, Rick didn’t want to fight with men in red hats, short mummies, Imhotep, or the Scorpion King. He was tired. He was sad. His wife was dead. People wanted to kill his son. He wanted to stop.
The Scorpion King threw Rick at another wall, and he fell to the floor. Then, he saw a woman’s shoes and looked up. Evelyn smiled at him!
“Evy?” Rick shouted. “Evy!”
His wife was not dead! Now Rick was ready for the Scorpion King.
Rick and the Scorpion King were in the middle of the room. Evelyn, Jonathan, Alex, Imhotep, and Anck-su-namun watched the two fighters. Rick had the gold knife of the Masonic Templars in one hand, and he danced around the Scorpion King.
The large man-animal hit Rick’s knife with his scorpion legs, and it flew across the room. Rick caught it before it hit the floor.
“Do something with that knife!” shouted Jonathan.
Rick jumped up and threw his knife at the Scorpion King. It hit the man-animal’s heart, and he fell. Then, the room was full of black smoke. The smoke climbed to the top of the room -and then there was nothing: no smoke, no Scorpion King.
At that minute, the floor opened and the walls moved. Rick and Imhotep stood near a large hole in the floor.
“Rick!” shouted Evy.
“No, Evy! Stay back!” Rick shouted. “Stay there!”
“Anck-su-namun!” Imhotep called. “Help me!”
But Anck-su-namun did not move.
Evelyn ran to Rick. She caught his arm, but he fell into the dark hole. With the powers of Nefertiri, she pulled him out.
“Anck-su namun!” Imhotep cried again. But his lover was not there. Imhotep looked at the O’Connells with hate in his eyes, and then he fell into the hole. It was the end of a long, strange life.
Anck-su-namun ran through the pyramid into a room with a picture of the Scorpion King on the wall. The floor moved and the walls fell. Thousands of scorpions came from behind the walls. They climbed on Anck-su-namun’s arms and legs, on her face and hair. They ate her in minutes.
Rick, Evelyn, Jonathan, and Alex ran through the gold pyramid. The walls fell behind them. There was a strong wind outside. The walls fell behind them. There was a strong wind outside. The sky was dark and dangerous. Rain started to fall.
“Quickly!” the little man shouted above the noise of the wind and rain. “I can’t wait all day!”
The balloon moved down to the ground, and everybody climbed into it. They looked down and watched the pyramid fall into a great hole. The wind and rain stopped, and the world was quiet again. There was no Ahm Shere. There was only desert and sun.
“O’Connell!” said Izzy. “Did you have a hard day? You look tired!”
Rick laughed. “You know: mummies, scarps, battles. Boring!”
“Dad, look” shouted Alex.

The wind and rain stopped, and the world was quiet again.

They all looked down at the desert below them. They saw Ardeth Bay and his men.
“Thank you!” they shouted from the balloon. “Thank you!”
Ardeth Bay put his hand on his heart and shouted back, “Good bye, my friends. I will remember you always!”
Then, the Med-Jai returned to their work in the desert.
Rick O’Connell suddenly felt happy. He remembered Ardeth Bay’s words about tattoo. Maybe the Med-Jai was right. He could help many people. He looked at his wife and son and smiled.
“Let’s go home,” he said.

